Monday, December 01, 2008

Deleting hiberfil.sys in windows

I noticed that free space on my C drive is not as much as it should be. If I count all displayable entities through explorer I get 14.x GB, add to it another 1.8 GB of current free space which makes it around 16 GB. But my drive is of 20 GB. So where is the rest?

Thinking a bit, it hit me that windows will be using some for paging. Ok, lets find out.
I did "dir /AS C: " and it gave me two files.

PageFile.sys 2 GB+
Hiberfil.sys 2 GB

Hmm, Hibernation feature is enabled on my desktop and it is using 2 GB (equal to RAM size) of my drive space.

How do I remove this file? I figured out that turning off hibernation is the only way. Fine. I don't want a feature that I never used till now to occupy 10% of my drive space.

"powercfg.exe /hibernate off" did the trick.

ControlPanel -> Power Options -> Hibernate tab -> Enable/Disable will also do.

It is best to turnoff 'hibernate' feature before you defragment your system drive.

1 comment:

Suresh Maridi said...

Finally, an update on ur blog.. :)
Keep updating